Match Report 100715

Nanna’s 7-4 Yeth

CG(G), TH, RH(1), JH(4), CB, TW(2)(MOM)

I looked up the meaning of Yeth and the following is what I found:

1.     Yeth
1. A synonym in the northeastern United States for marijuana, hash, and all drugs containing THC. Encompasses all types of marijuana; everything from shitty outdoors and beasters to potent strains. 2. To smoke marijuana.

  1. Fuck… we’re all out of yeth. Does anyone want to match me on a slice?
  2. Turn off the lights, turn on Pink Floyd, and let’s yeth a blunt.

2.     Yeth
The embellished version of saying “Yes”.

Also, how a person with a lisp might say “Yes”.

  1. Yeth, you sure did the number on that mofo.

3.     Yeth
To masturbate furiously
Oh yeth!

  1. I just yethed that motherfucker!
Found at

Not sure which one best describes the guys we played that night but it doesn’t really matter because the Nanna’s were on fire…. oh yeth we were. Some of the best passing across court I think I’ve seen the Nanna’s ever do and even when the pass wasn’t given there was nearly always someone there just in case it was needed. This wasn’t classic Nanna’s this was Nanna’s of new, champagne Nanna’s for our tenth almighty year.

4 thoughts on “Match Report 100715

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